“When I was growing up, my mom would always tell me, ‘Keep your hands off your face! Do you know how many germs you have encountered today? Get them away from that beautiful face!’ I finally started listening to her advice, and my skin is thanking me for it.” —Lindsay Colameo, contributing assistant – Allure Magazine

Parenting tip Never take a toddler’s word for it

“My mother’s most important piece of advice: ‘Take care of your neck. You never think of your neck until it’s too late.’ So now I always moisturize it.” —Alexandra Tunell, beauty assistant – Allure Magazine

Parenting tip: Wine.

“Use a good body lotion every single time you shower, no excuses. Do it as soon as you get out, especially in the winter.” —Grace Clarke, assistant editor – Allure Magazine

Parenting tip: When pouring your guts out to the baby at 3:00 am, make sure the monitor is turned off.

“My favorite beauty advice my mother ever gave me—and that I believe she lifted from Jackie O.—was to dedicate one night a week at home to take care of yourself. Paint your nails, whiten your teeth, use a face mask, deep-condition your hair, whatever it is you do, while listening to music or watching TV or anything else you enjoy. Whenever I tell her about my hectic schedule, she likes to remind me of this one.” —Alexandra Owens, editorial assistant – Allure Magazine

Parenting tip: Ignorance is seldom bliss for a mom

If you are a MOM – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!


Now that you might be getting a teensy bit less worried about the economy, you may find the death grip on your wallet loosening up a bit. If the spring shopping urge is upon you …

…it’s time to make a decision about what to get all the moms in your life for Mother’s Day.  You can get some ideas here !

My mom – who is 93 and still lives on her own – loves the White Tea & Shea Shower Lotion, so I’ll be sending her a big bottle of it next week. She says at that age, she just doesn’t want more “things”. One customer just yesterday ordered 4 Lavender Gift Baskets for his mom, 2 daughters, and a friend. Another customer is sending her aunt a Gardener’s Gift Basket. Please just call or email if you’d like a custom basket.

***In keeping with pandemic common sense – I wash my hands and use hand sanitizer when working on orders, along with wiping all the packaging with disinfectant.***

As always, thank you for your interest in supporting small businesses.
